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Host TipPic TipJar Version 2.0

Host TipPic TipJar

Xtreme Designs Proudly Presents its Host TipJars. Our Host Jars have been designed specifically to aid hosts in making their job much easier! All are made with either sculpted, MESH, or standard prims. We NEVER use image cutouts! There are several models in this series.

Xtreme Host TipJar: TipPic

• Personal TipJar that displays last tip amount, last tipper name, & total amount tipped.
• Customizable hover text & hover text color. Make your Jar shine with your thoughts and words!
• Customizable default pay amount and quick pay buttons.
• Built in picture viewer.* Drop your pictures in and the TipJar will show them off!
• XD Smart Color Change or our XD Smart Neon Color Change*. Change the color of your TipJar with just a click or watch it cycle through various Neon colors!
• Life time FREE updates and fixes**! Yes… even if you break your TipJar, we will fix or replace it for FREE!

*Not available in all models.
**With proof of purchase.