[INDO] Large Sisal Rug - Full Perm 1LI
Simple rug with sisal texture included. This rug has been carefully designed to be 1 land impact up to a very generous size (7X5 meters), while retaining details like a gently curved edge, realistic small wrinkles and well mapped UVs that don't stretch or distort the texture. The rug also has custom LODs that mean it doesn't disappear from view or distort in shape at a distance.
The rug is one piece of mesh with two faces (shadow and actual rug). You can re-texture the shadow face with a more obvious shadow if you prefer, or texture it transparent to remove it all together.
Please note and abide by the the TOS below :
You may save the included full perm textures to your hard drive and modify for your own use. You may include this mesh item in your own builds and sell it when used in that manner. You may not resell this mesh as a stand alone item "full perm", either with my or with remade textures. You may not resell these textures in SL or in another venue. You are not allowed to give this item away for free as is, unless the permissions are changed, and it has been altered in some manner (with the addition of other elements, with or without my textures). You are not allowed to sell or give this item away with full perms. You ARE free to include this item in your own builds and price the final product as you see fit, so long as substantial changes/additions are made, and the permissions have been changed to "no transfer".
- Original Mesh and Textures
- Low Land impact
- Holds shape at a distance
- Easy texturing
Great rug
Looks nice with other textures to I liked it
I really wanted to like it.
But, although it is exactly as advertised, it just does not even vaguely look like a sisal rug, scale is all off, unsharp texture, it all adds up to a rug that is just wrong somehow.