Sturdy wood shelf with iron brackets; full perm so you may retexture and use in your own builds. 1 prim equivalent up to a very generous size (nearly 5 meters long).
The shelf has three faces; the shadow layer behind, the wood surfaces and the iron brackets. This allows you the maximum flexibility for retexturing the pieces as you desire.
Included are a full perm copy of the texture used on the shelf, the baked shadow texture, and an ambient occlusion texture. You may download either or both to your computer to alter as you wish, or use them to make new textures. You may also choose to simply apply a tint to the Ambient Occlusion to create nicely textured "painted" shelves in world.
Please note the TOS below regarding use of this item.
TOS: You may save the included full perm textures to your hard drive and modify for your own use. You may include this mesh item in your own builds and sell it when used in that manner. You may not resell this mesh as a stand alone item, either with my or with remade textures. You may not resell these textures in SL or in another venue. You are not allowed to give this item away for free as is, unless the permissions are changed, and it has been altered in some manner (with the addition of other elements, with or without my textures). You are not allowed to sell or give this item away with full perms. You ARE free to include this item in your own builds and price the final product as you see fit, so long as substantial changes/additions are made, and the permissions have been changed to "no transfer".
- Copy/Mod/Trans
- Low Land Impact - 1 Prim Equivelent up to a very large size
- Baked, all original textures and original mesh, multi-piece construction
Thank you.
Always amazed at these nice easy to use mesh objects at incredible prices!
Also the customer service is phenomenal!