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* INFINITY * Mizpah Necklace Woman-Woman

* INFINITY * Mizpah Necklace Woman-Woman

This truly personal and meaningful necklace featurs the Mizpah coin, broken in two, in necklace form.

Each side is engraved to form the words, "The Lord watch between me and thee when we are absent one from another".

This quote is found in Genesis 31:49 of the Old Testament, the engraved Mizpah pendant has special meaning for two people in love who must be apart from one another. Mizpah means watchtower and indicates that the Lord watches over from above.

We've included a woman-woman version for two good friends that have a sisterly bond. Makes a great gift for a special friend.

We also offer male-female versions for spouses/couples.

Includes Size and Bling Control. Transferable.