G Geral

MysTique Basic Unisex Short Lashes & Liner Black

MysTique Basic Unisex Short Lashes & Liner Black

MysTique Salon presents:
2.0 Viewer Compliant Unisex Short Eyelashes with Eyeliner in Black!!

These are NOT Prim Eyelashes - these eyelashes with eyeliner are made to wear on the 2.0 Viewer Face Tattoo Layer.
This layer can be seen by anyone in SL no matter what viewer they use but can only be worn by those using a viewer supporting the 2.0 Face Tattoo Layer.

Looks terrific on men and women alike!
Visit our SL store to try a DEMO before purchasing to be sure you like the look! Come see the store for more eyelashes!

No editing or adjusting to fit your face and shape, these fit on the skin just like another layer. No muss, no fuss!

[If you do not have a 2.0 compliant viewer then you do not have the necessary layer to wear these.]

Sorry No Refunds!

  • 2.0 Compliant Viewer Face Tattoo Layer
  • NOT Prim eyelashes
  • Unisex eyelashes
  • Easy to wear - no editing necessary