An advanced Image viewer for personal or business use.
Show your screenshots, business information, photographs or textures. Cross-Fade, Filter, Copy, Delete, Slideshow etc. All possible with the IVA.
Including unlimited rezzable external storage units, up to 10 useable at once sim-wide at once to quickly select a collection of images. With the external storage units, you can sort your images, allow others to drop pictures and mix and match more then one IVA with the same storage units you own.
This way you can setup more then one image viewer with the same source of images, or in a reversed way, use one image viewer to select different sources of images. All to serve your needs.
* Product Features
- Displays your images, stored in the IVA or in external storage.
- Use a filter to search images / make a selection for transfer or delete.
- Chat command to quickly goto a certain image.
- Delete images, current, all, selection or deselection.
- Transfer images between main viewer and storages, or between storages.
- Change color of the textlines individual.
- Optional browse buttons.
- Optional crossfading of images.
- Optional drop pictures for other users (main and storage)
- Slideshow with adjustable delay.
- Random slideshow with adjustable delay.
- Rez external storage devices to feed your display.
- Use more then one IVA to use the same images.
- Group accessible, or owner only.
- Fully menu operated.
* Statistics
- Size (l/w/h): Initial: 1.8 m / 0.05 m / 2.4 m
- Size Resizable down to: 0.8 m / 0.02 m / 1.0 m (and up of course)
- Prim count: 8 (IVA) - 1 prim per storage device
- Links: 1