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Inochi Reef - Regulatory Buoys(Fatpack)

Inochi Reef - Regulatory Buoys(Fatpack)

All 16 Regulatory Buoys

Area Closed
Center Channel
Danger Keep Out
Danger Rocks
Hazard Area
Idle Speed
Keep Out
Marina Entrance
No Anchorage
No Boats
No Swimming
Race Course
Slow 5 MPH
Slow No Wake
Swim Area

Use the menu to -

Turn schooling ON/OFF
Select one of six themes for the encrusting sealife

Highly detailed mesh buoy
Sways in the waves.

2 versions: both with animated sea foam
One plain and one with encrusted with algae and animated sea life

32 buoys total copy/mod - 2 or 4 LI (with encrustation)

All of our living reef products are designed to use minimal script & prim resources while adding animation and life to your builds

Combine them with our reef fish, crabs, sponges, anemones, corals, sea fans, fish schools etc. to build your underwater scenes

Be sure to visit us inworld for exclusive content available nowhere else,

A new group gift every month, available ONLY that month
Gachas & Lucky boards - all exclusive content only available here

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0EvIrpbv6tbf1UHqWRW_AeN1wQAkawqH

SL Group secondlife:///app/group/ecb8a055-f88d-fd7a-cb6f-fef1e9eaad50/about

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Highly detailed mesh buoy
  • Regulatory buoys warn of hazards, restict area use, denote navigational rules
  • Sways in the waves
  • 2 versions, one plain and one with encrusted animated sea life
  • Animated sea foam