G General

Inochi Reef - Regulatory Buoys(Fatpack)

Inochi Reef - Regulatory Buoys(Fatpack)

Regulatory Buoy(Swim Area)

Defines an area where swimming in permitted

Use the menu to -

Turn schooling ON/OFF
Select one of six themes for the encrusting sealife

Highly detailed mesh buoy
Sways in the waves.

2 versions: both with animated sea foam
One plain and one with encrusted with algae and animated sea life

2 buoys total copy/mod - 2 or 4 LI (with encrustation)

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  • Highly detailed mesh buoy
  • Regulatory buoys warn of hazards, restict area use, denote navigational rules
  • Sways in the waves
  • 2 versions, one plain and one with encrusted animated sea life
  • Animated sea foam