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Instant Garden - Garden Nook Katsura Tree Pond - Interactive Garden Pond Or Lake

Instant Garden - Garden Nook Katsura Tree Pond - Interactive Garden Pond Or Lake
Instant Garden - Garden Nook Katsura Tree Pond - Interactive Garden Pond Or Lake
6 Reviews

*** Instant Garden Katsura Tree Pond ***

Garden Nooks are lovely little pre-built landscapes that sink easily into or on top of the ground, providing a beautiful accent to your land and a cozy conversation niche (or a place to sit and relax by yourself and enjoy the beauty of nature).

Katsura Tree Pond Garden Nook is an enchantingly peaceful environment with multiple interactive features. Lovely katsura trees with gently falling leaves surround a peaceful pond containing fish and slowly rotating leaves on water. Lush plantings of flowers, ferns, and shrubs also surround the pond. A deck by the pond and a gazbo provide conversation niches to view the scenery from (muliple animations for couples, groups, and singles) and also rez accessories such as tea and wine you can really drink, as well as weather, sound, and fire elements. A small ladder leads out of the pond and into to the gazebo.
There are also pond animation accesses via a small sign/controller to the left of the waterfall.

The entire garden sits on top of any flat or slightly rough ground you have and provides a cozy, enclosed niche.
* The garden moves as one piece the same way a large house with many linked sections does (rez-faux packaging system).
Garden Nooks do not have a dome surrounding them as some of my Instant Gardens do, and look very natural as part of any landscape.

* Makes a great skybox environment too.


~~ A deck and a gazebo that rez multiple poses (for couples, groups, and singles), weather, food, candles, a patio burner, and sounds.
~~ Pond poses accessed via a small sign (floating, sitting by the pond, lazy day reclining, meditating - for one or 2 people at the same time).
~~ Jumping/Swarming fish.
~~ Sculpted katsura trees with falling leaves (on/off and owner only controls for leaves).
~~ Rock steps allow you to climb into the garden easily.

** Special feature for drinks/food - click drinks/food and it disappears - wear from inventory to eat/drink.
** Utilizes the low-lag pose system (rezzes cushions to sit on that disappear when not in use). All poses are animations (no static poses).

** Makes a great Sky Box too.

The garden is very lush yet only uses 124 prims, and is copyable and modifiable.
You can move things around and modify it if desired.
You can also delete everything if you'd like to do something else with your land temporarily, and then easily rez the garden again at a later time.
Be sure and check out all my Instant Gardens in the store - you may want to go back and forth between many beautiful landscapes.

124 prims (LI)
44x43 size

Live In Beauty ! Luna Bliss

See item in Second Life
  • Pre-built Garden
  • Prebuilt Garden
  • Instant Landscapes
  • Instant Landscaping
  • Instant Garden
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Gorgeous Getaway
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 21, 2014 by Lunoo Loon

Fantastic garden. So light and alive.
Took a few rocks out to blend with my land and it fits like a charm.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 02, 2014 by Morgan Incognito

Just a gorgeous garden. I could not use it because I had no more space to put my house, but I will use it in the future when I buy a larger parcel!

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L$ 999

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Luna Bliss
Luna Bliss

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Land Impact: 124