Ironsight Armaments MBDA Eryx
Superior Quality.
Unrivaled Performance.
Unsurpassed Reliability.
Unequaled Value.
Ironsight Armaments
Model - Daffee Vita
Scripting - Tsume Xiao
Sounds - Tsume Xiao
Animations - Corsi Mousehold
This weapon has free updates for life.
Contact Tsume Xiao with any questions.
-Commands are not case sensitive.
-Commands work on channel 1 only.
"shoulder" - Toggles between drawn and slung states
"heat" - Changes to High-Explosive, Anti-Tank missile. 50AT (Default)
-5m Radius. Best for use against armored vehicles.
"ap" - Changes to Armor Piercing missile. 50AT
-Direct Impact Only. For use against armored objects such as barricades, doors, etc
"dumb" - Changes to dumb-fire missile. This missile fires in a straight, unchanging path.
"wire" - Changes to realistic wire-guided missile. This missile can be guided for a short time by your crosshairs. (Default)
"eon" - Turns reload effects on (Default)
"eoff" - Turns reload effects off
"stand" or "st" - Stands up from crouch
"crouch" or "c" - Toggles crouching
"con"- Captures control of C and PageDown keys(Default)
"coff" - Releases control of C and PageDown keys
PageDown or C - toggles between standing and crouching (If Activated)
"reset" - Resets the scripts in the weapon should you need to.
-----MCE Specifications-----
Name: ::ISA:: MBDA Eryx
Class: Launcher - ATGM
Damage: 1000 AP Penetration Level 3
BodyPoint Cost: 3
Reloads: 2
-5 second deploy time
-Requires constant guidance
-Cannot be counter-measured.
---MCE Version Notes---
-Built in Run/Walk AO. Added because many MCE sims do not allow non-weapon AO's.
-Only one type of missile. (Wire-guided AP)
-Does not have the ability to turn off animations
-Works with the standard sling
---Functional Notes---
-The wire-guided missile is NOT tracking and does NOT lock onto targets. Once fired, you can manually control it my keeping your mouselook crosshairs on your target. The missile will aim towards where you are aiming,allowing you to adjust your missile in-flight.
-The missiles HEAT fired from the Ironsight Armaments Eryx have a dual purpose warhead. They both kill infantry and damage tanks that utilize an armored system.
-The Eryx attaches to the right shoulder so it can be attached at the same time as a primary weapon such as a rifle.
-The Eryx can be slung while it is reloading, but this stops the reloading process. This means that when you next draw it, it will automatically reload before you can fire it again.
-This Ironsight Armaments weapon has a built-in animation refresher. This will prevent an animation override you may use from overriding the aiming and holding animations for the weapon. Enjoy.
---Release Notes---
-Total Rescript
-Script Count Reduced
-New Missile Flight System
-New Missile Type (AP)
-Rescripted explosions
-MCE Version Added
- High Detail Prim Model. 1:1 Scale
- Fly-By-Wire Guidance System & Anti-Armor Damage
- Two Rocket Types. Fly-By-Wire or Unguided
- Reliable, High Efficiency Performance
- Custom Sounds & Custom Animations
Best and most fun rocket launcher in sl !
This weapon is the most versatile and fun rocket launcher in sl, bar none! And I have fought with just about all of them.
Great for anti-personel, anti-tank, and also scripted items, like doors, armored shieds, etc. If you're good, you can even hit low-flying helicopters :P
Explosion radius is 5 meters, meeting the requirements for slmc combat. AT warhead delivers 50 hp, which is just right to meet most armies rules.
The creator and his company are responsive to comments and very helpful.
Get it!
Well the anti tank weapons have changed since I fired the cargustoffe anti tank weapon in the 1970s.. This weapon does exactly what it says on the tine and the explosion is goooooooooooooooood... Great weapon, no problems at all, Ao is great as the sound effect................. Can not fault it.. Well done guys for your hard efforts
Fires From Mouselook
This weapon fires from mouselook, there is no separate fire comment.
This means if you want to record video of the shot, you will need to record from a 2nd avatar.
Its a nice missile effect. Modest explosion, in keeping with the size of the missile.
Zoom to the Boom
Without a doubt the best anti-tank/anti-personnel missle system I've encountered. As I've come to expect from Ironsight the detailing is First Class to the extent that post ;launch you are left with the electronic launcher and sight on your shoulder whilst the spent tube is dropped to the ground and discarded. The soft launch works well and having the option of a dumb launch a guided trajectory adds a choice of tactical options. Though the missile can accept some steering inputs post launch its not going to fly complicated patterns or home in on a target. The speed of the missile really just allow you to give enough guidance to steer the missile to make smallish course changes in order to follow a moving target enhancing the hit probability. Though in doing so you have to leave yourself exposed as you keep the crosshairs on the target. In summary there is no reason not to buy this if you are looking for some long ranged bang, its an easy five stars.
Woosh, blammo!
Explosive and simple to operate, questions? The ability to switch between fly-by-wire and dumb fire is great. In lag it's sometimes hard to hit a moving target, and fly-by-wire makes it a lot less difficult. Besides, who doesn't love controllable explosive death?
Overall, extremely useful and true to it's purpose, it's a great anti tank weapon, and I'd heartily recommend it to anyone in need of anti-tank-explodey-death.
Good Anti-Tank weapon
This weapon is a fine weapon to use against armor. With both a dumbfire mode for quick shoot and scoots as well as a wire-guided mode for precise long range engagements, I recommend this weapon.