Ironsight Armaments Mark II
Advanced Target Pistol
Fully Sculpted. High Detail. Many Options.
Superior Quality.
Unrivaled Performance.
Unsurpassed Reliability.
Unequaled Value.
Ironsight Armaments
Model & Textures - Scarlet Flaks
Scripting - Tsume Xiao
Sounds - Tsume Xiao
Animations - Mark Karlfeldt
This weapon has free updates for life.
Contact Tsume Xiao with any questions.
***NOTE*** This is the SINGLE-WIELD version.
---Feature Description---
The feature menu can be accessed with several commands. It will display three options
[Barrel] [Finish] [Grips]
1. Barrel
The "Barrel" sub-menu determines a larger change in your pistol's appearance, the firing sound, and the visibility of the bullet
-Standard report sound and full volume
-Fires standard visibility rounds
-Changes report sound and volume
-Fires low-visibility "Subsonic" rounds
2. Finish and Grips
The "Finish" and "Grips" sub-menus of the Mark II allow you to change the look of your pistol.
-Blued: Typical black appearance. Semi-matte, low-glare, and all business.
-Stainless: Stainless Steel finish. For a little more all-weather flair.
-Synthetic: Black plastic with a standard checkering
-Aluminum: Durable clear-coated aluminum
-Walnut: Rich, dark-colored polished hardwood
-Cocobolo: An exotic lighter-colored wood
---Visual Effects---
-Realistic particle muzzle effects & shell casing ejection. Particles. No physics lag.
---Custom Made Animations---
-Semi-AO system works with your AO of choice. Animations can be turned off.
---Optional Combo Keys---
-A+D Melee
-W+S Reload
---Quick Crouch---
-Crouch quickly on the press of C or Page-Down
-May be disabled
---Velocity Adjustment---
-Set your bullet speed to suit your conditions and combat style
---Low Lag Bullets---
The Mark II is designed for high performance under all conditions. As such it has one bullet type, in two variations.The only difference is appearance.
The bullet is compatible with all collision-based combat systems (DCS2, CCS, etc).
The bullet is low lag. That is the only bullet type that has/will ever be made by Ironsight Armaments.
-Commands are not case sensitive.
-Commands work on channel 1 only.
-Any commands preceded by an "r" or "l" are specific to attachment point
"draw" or "d" or "rdraw" or "rd" or "ldraw" or "ld"- Draws the weapon for usage
"sling" or "rsling" or "holster" or "h" or "rh" or "lh" or "lsiling"- Stows the weapon
"reload" or "r" - Reloads the weapon
"melee" or "m" - Performs a melee strike
"vel:###" - Sets velocity to ### m/s (Default: 150)
"eon" - Turns visual effects on (Default)
"eoff" - Turns visual effects off
"menu"/"rmenu"/"lmenu" or "option" or "options" or "color" or "colour" - Opens menu
"standard" - Reloads gun with standard 10-round magazine (Default)
"infinite" - Sets gun to unlimited rounds
"aon" - Turns built in animation core on (Default)
"aoff" - Turns built in animation core off
"stand" or "st" - Stands up from prone or crouch
"crouch" or "c" - Toggles crouching
"con"- Captures control of C and PageDown keys(Default)
"coff" - Releases control of C and PageDown keys
"combo:on" - Activates combination reload and melee keys. (Default)
"combo:off" - deactivates combination reload and melee keys.
PageDown or C - toggles between standing and crouching
"w" + "s" - Reloads the weapon
Up + Down - Reloads the weapon
"a" + "d" - Performs a melee strike
Left + Right - Performs a melee strike
"sync" - Synchronizes the weapon and holster to ensure all settings are reflected.
"reset" - Resets the scripts in the weapon should you need to.
See item in Second Life- Highly Detailed, Sculpted Model
- Two Barrels: Target & Suppressed
- Two Gun Finishes: Blued & Stainless
- Four Grip Materials
- Custom Animations and Sounds
Mark II, very nice job
this is my first SL marketplace review so bare with me. I own a Mark II 22/45, in real life, passed down to me by my father, i held the weapon in my hand while looking at the ISA Mark II in game on full zoom, and i have to say it was beautifully made. not only does it look very good, it also performs very well as well, deploying fast and firing quietly even without a silencer, i have used in in RP Sims as a hit-woman and i must say it has got me out of some stick situation. all i have to say is ISA, bravo!
OK, so I must say this first before anything else. I have never written a review on a fire arm in SL, but since buying guns here seems to be an expensive hobby of mine and I’ve been planning to do so, I felt this was the gun that was worthy enough to break the ice. So, lets get started shall we?
First off the gun is fully animated, what does this mean? Well, let me tell you, friend, what it means. It means that when I’m walking, talking on Skype and ‘owning’ my friends with it, the gun is playing animations without fail over any animation override I’m currently using and performs without flaw. As with most Ironsight guns, when you press C the gun goes into a crouched position and will over ride your AO so you don’t just randomly stand up and say “Hello” to everyone. When you look down the barrel it plays the correct animation even when you are walking! So for the AO, I applaud the Ironsight team!
To see the full review visit our website!
awesome 9 prims pistol^^
ISA quality, but only 9 prims
very nice looking, and trigger feel is very quickly
tsume's scripts will help ur balance of speed and accuracy^^