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Isabel Silver embroided tulle Set by INSOLENCE Lingerie

Isabel Silver embroided tulle Set by INSOLENCE Lingerie
Isabel Silver embroided tulle Set by INSOLENCE Lingerie
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When you believe sun will stay forever, sun goes away. We had such a rain I have had to put everything back inside..including myself. Temperature dropped so much I even lighted the fireplace several days.
So I found myself again in my beloved sofa's arms, wrapped in a wide english blanket, trying to think what we will wear when fall really installs.

Inspired by the fire colors of the trees outside, but still nostalgic of the blossom times, I imaginated this new set, mixing rich fall tones flowers embroidry, with that sweetest sheer tulle I always loved to work with.
This turned out in a delicate, intricated and elegant lingerie ensemble, that kind of set you don't want to wear as underwear, but as a light night dress, to reveal your body under a caress of seduction, pride and nostalgy.

The Isabel ensembles includes a long open tulle camisole, a simple rigged bra, matching panties and seamed stockings, all of which share the same delicate flower pattern, embroided in the richest tones for the coming fall.

INSOLENCE puts all efforts into its designs to satisfy you, we hope you'll enjoy this fine piece of clothing. Thank you for your continued support and wonderful feedback !

For any question, feel free to IM camilla Yosuke.


L$ 290

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INSOLENCE by camilla Yosuke
INSOLENCE by camilla Yosuke
Sold by: camilla Yosuke

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