G Generell

Izzie's - DEMO Chin Shadow Concealer (LeLutka Evo X)

Izzie's - DEMO Chin Shadow Concealer (LeLutka Evo X)


DEMO unisex Chin Shadow Concealer BOM layers for LeLutka Evo X mesh heads

The Chin Shadow Concealer is a tattoo that covers harsh shadows under your chin. It will only cover the shadows that are drawn onto your skin, it won't influence shadows caused by Windlight/EEP.

- BOM system tattoo layers for LeLutka Evo X mesh heads
- 19 tintable shades

IMPORTANT: The BOM layers were made to fit the custom UV of LeLutka's Evo X head line. They will ONLY work on LeLutka mesh heads that have the Evo X feature! They will NOT work on any other LeLutka heads (like LeLutka Origins or LeLutka Evolution Classic) and they will NOT work on any mesh heads from other brands!

Please try a free DEMO before purchasing to make sure it will work for your head/skin!

modify: yes
copy: yes
transfer: NO

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Izzie Button inworld.

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