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[JF] Wall Light & Switch

[JF] Wall Light & Switch

I hope that with these things everyone can finally create their own light.

Wall Light comes in 2 different textures - dark copper (#1) and light copper (#2)
The channel is required for communication between switch and lamps/bulbs or other things,
so they don't need to be directly connected.
A switch can switch many things at the same time, the message will not travel over SIM border.
A lamp/bulb cannot switch other lamps/bulbs or ther things.

if channel zero
- long touch = menu (only for owner / at least 2 seconds)
if channel not zero
- short touch = on/off (owner, group, anyone)
- long touch = menu (only for owner / at least 2 seconds)

if channel zero
- short touch = on/off (owner, group, anyone)
- long touch = menu (only for owner / at least 2 seconds)
if channel not zero
- long touch = menu (only for owner / at least 2 seconds)

a lot of fun
Jana Flanagan from 'Little Life'