Lovely habitat and home for your little meeroo's or other breedable's. Give your pet something more stylish and comfortable then a regular pen.... 10mx10m area perfect for your little friend to roam around and play. This
cute habitat is sure to make your meeroo very happy. Works perfect with your home stump on the 5m setting keeping
your little friend safely inside. Comes with a swinging gate for easy access. If you want something different and
special for your pets... This is it! Enjoy.
Setup... Be sure you're in build mode when you rez your habitat due to the gate not being attached to the main
structure. With the pieces selected you can move and adjust to place where you like it. The item is also copy
and mod so you can put as many as you like out.
It was fun working on this project and if there are any questions or uncertainties contact
Jay Lordhunter in world by IM or notecard.
If there are problems that I did not noticed earlier I apologize, I will immediately fix and
bring out the new version ;).
*Note* This product is not associated with Malevay Studios, the original creators of Meeroo and Meeroo products.
Habitat is intended for decorative use ONLY!
Nice one Jay!
Had a problem with the first habitat, but Jay was very quick to TP to my land and assist me with fixing it.
Now the problem is sorted its a very nice item and well made, so top marks from me.
Good Job!!!