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JOCKD-January 2019

JOCKD-January 2019

FITTED FOR: Signature Gianni,Geralt & Belleza Jake

JOCKD is a monthly service offered by THIRST. Each month you'll receive 2 pairs of quality, THIRST underwear.

NOTE: JOCKD pairs sold on the marketplace do not contain pre-order exclusive content.

How JOCKD Works:
Visit the THIRST mainstore.
1) Pre-order from the 12th of the month to the 4th of the following month for 400L
2)Pre-Orders will receive exclusive features, discounted price of 400L, 2 pairs of undies each with mini-color HUD, and early delivery on the 5th of the month

3)Those who do not pre-order by the 4th of each month can purchase JOCKD for 600L normal price but miss out on exclusive content

Visit THIRST @ The Boardwalk to Pre-Order!

See item in Second Life
  • 2 Unique pairs of underwear
  • HUDd Textures
  • Materials enabled