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JOMO Rabbit-V1-Female-A-White

JOMO Rabbit-V1-Female-A-White

JOMO Rabbit Bento Avatar V1
Product Features:

● Ear AO on/off
When the Ear AO button is ON,Ear animation is activated,
Contains a set of ear animations that simulate physical dynamics,
It automatically changes the animation based on your status.
When you stand, sit, squat, walk, run, jump, fly, swim...
It will automatically switch between different animations!
● Ear state change
12 different ear states,When you need your ears to calm down,
Or unusually active,You can use this set of animations,
Such as taking pictures,
wearing hats,
Simulate when the wind blows or dances!
● Mood expression change
8 different expressions to replace
● Mouth and tongue state selection
● Mouth typing animation on/of
● Blink animation and eyes open range
● Nose Animation Change
● Tail Animation Change
● Finger Animation Change
● Eyeball Texture and Color Change
Can change the color of both eyes,
Or change the color of the left and right eyes alone.
● Eyelash color change
● Eyebrow color change
● Nail and Toenail color changes
● Body Alpha
Detailed Alpha cutting and easy to use buttons,
It is easy to hide part or all of the body.
* Bento Rigging
* You can adjust the shape of the face by the client default slider!
* Compatible hand animation AO!
* All postures using skeletal animation.
* Fitted MESH, can be adjusted to your favorite shape!
Facial expression animation involves multiple overlapping features,
You can use them in combination,
If an abnormal expression appears, click the first reset animation of the HUD animation button.
Or right click the body to refresh the bones.

Due to the special structure of the furry face,
the human shape may cause some strange facial display!
We recommend you use the included shape to adjust for your liking!
If you have to use your own shape,
please use the included shape data as reference!
How to upgrade?
Please go to the JOMO Inworld store.
Click on "Redelivery"
Go to the web page to get a new version!
(included from Marketplace)
How to Obtain a Development Kit?
TO Inword JOMO Store
A development kit is available for download!
Contains model outline, Rigging data, skin UV!
Click on it to get the page and download it!
Thank you very much!
have a nice day!:)


See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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As someone who has been in SL awhile, have a real review
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 29, 2024 by NeuroticSecuritron

The head is off putting yes, but we all got an alpha hud for that reason. You can snatch any other head to use on this. Don't be lazy, simple as that. And this isn't copy model of the werewolf. Bodies don't match, clothes don't match either.

Another poor excuse is complaining about hair. As if furries haven't been fussed with hair on their heads since 2003. Demo everything, we got hair that do in fact work with our furry avatars.

This rabbit does in fact do expressions. You can smile, look angry or bored. We all have 8 expressions in total.

The hud works nicely if you need to reset your animations. While that can get annoying, thankfully the hud isn't much script usage wise. So you can wear it all of the time. Or stop being lazy, and look up bento tail fix. That works with any avatar, it was made with JOMO brand in mind.

And no furry with fur can blush. It's fur. You can't see anyone blushing, but devkits are FREE inworld of JOMO's. You are welcome to make your own blush cheap as L$10 per upload cost.

Lastly to debunk a troll's review; A full avatar like this costs about L$2,000 to 4,000. This has been the norm for years within SecondLife. Price for this rabbit is reasonable, and be sure to actually USE the avatar.

Now for another annoyance, are the clothes. Again, demo everything if it's free. Sometimes leopard works for the bunny. Stop limiting yourself, it's SecondLife lol

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