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JTC DEV John 1.0 Just Plain Sweats 2 Red on black

JTC DEV John 1.0 Just Plain Sweats 2 Red on black

Just plain sweat pants.
Not much mofr then that made for DEV Avatar John 1.0

JTC DEV John 1.0 Just Plain Mesh Sweats 2 Strips of either Red, Blue, White or Yellow. down the side.
Thats it nothing special.
Matching Bulge included

Your Purchase
JTC/DEV Mesh JTC DEV John 1.0 Just Plain Sweats with 2 colored stripes down the side.
Matching Bulge included.
You may need to adjust the bulge for personal preference

We welcome any questions of comments.
Message or drop a notecard to jacktop10 or Studcrusher.
We Are JTCrusher

  • Casual Clothes for the big guy
  • Latex shine sure to make yoru eyes bleed
  • Can U find any more casual for the Dev?
  • Free Bulge