JTC PaintSplatter 02 Shirt Inithium Kairo [BOX]
Thank You for your interest in JTC's Paint Splatter line of shirts for Inithium Kairo
Rez out the REZ Box, click rez and a shirt with the name of
JTC PaintSplatter 0# Shirt Inithium Kairo
will be deposited into your inventory in a folder named
JTC Kairo Inithium Shirt
From there right click add and thats all you need to do!
FYI if your nips are visible then they will pop thru this shirt in Flex mode.
Otherwise no alpha required
JackTop10 + Studcrusher =
If you have any questions or comments or issues please let us know.
L$ 350
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed