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JTC Swimshorts Trans Net Front Green -[BOX] AESTHETIC

 JTC Swimshorts Trans Net Front Green -[BOX] AESTHETIC


JTC Swimshorts

The weather may be cold where you are. But in SL you can always find fun in the sun. We have a large verity of colors to choose from. So get your JTC Swimshorts and strut on the beach or anywhere you like to strut.
You will always look great wearing swimshorts from JTC.

JTC Swimshorts comes in:

Swimshorts GF Diag
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 01
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 02
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 03
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 04
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 05
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 06
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JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 08
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 09
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 10
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag 11

JTC Swimshorts GF Diag Texture 01
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag Texture 02
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag Texture 03
JTC Swimshorts GF Diag Texture 04

Swimwear GF REFL
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 1
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 2
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 3
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 4
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 5
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 6
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 7
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 8
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 9
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 10
JTC Swimshorts GF REFL 11

JTC Swmshorts Rainbow on White

JTC Swimshorts GF
JTC Swimshorts GF blue white sucky
JTC GF blue yellow blue
JTC GF copper brown
JTC GF noise fill
JTC GF noise white
JTC GF orange yellow
JTC GF rainbow dick black
JTC GF rainbow dick white
JTC GF U name it
JTC GF yellow green blue

The Below listed Includes 2 bulges. one with and one without strings
Edit your clothing layer by right clicking while on you or from your inventory while wearing and select the texture tab
to change the alpha mode to alpha masking and type in the box below that 60. You will see the netting much better.
JTC Swim Shorts Trans Net Front Black Wht Trim
JTC Swim Shorts Trans Net Front Blue Wht Trim
JTC Swim Shorts Trans Net Front Gold Wht Trim
JTC Swim Shorts Trans Net Front Green Wht Trim
JTC Swim Shorts Trans Net Front Red Wht Trim

Package Includes:
AESTHETIC Clothing Applier Hud
Swimwear bulge - May need positioning by you
JTC Description and Content Notecard

JTC can try to Customize to your taste for a small fee before purchase. Ask us or drop a notecard to jacktop10 or Studcrusher.
We welcome any questions and comments. We Are JTCrusher

  • No butt Crack!
  • Sexy
  • Simple yet modern
  • Still shows the butt!