JX Auction board

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Features :

You can set a minimum starting price for your item
You can set a minimum increment for each bid
You can set the item name (used for the instant messages)
You can set the duration of the auction (60 hours maximum)
You can turn ON or OFF the automatic delivery of the prize
(1st object in the contents of the board, a boxed prize or single item prize)
You can end the auction at any time.


When you right clic > touch the board, you get the owner menu where you can do the settings,

Item Name : give a name to your item

Time : set auction duration, in a format like 12:30 (60 hours maximum) format like 12*30 would work too the middle symbol is not important but any is needed anyways 12h30 or 12030 or 12A30 will work too for 12 hours and 30 minutes.

Give Prize : Turn ON/OFF the automatic item delivery at the end of the auction (unless you end it manually) The prize is the 1st object in the board contents

Minimim : set the minimum starting price of your auction (needs to be at least 1)

Increment : set the minimum increment between each bid (needs to be at least 1)


The board sends a message to the owner when you right clic touch, when you start or end the auction, when the auction countdown reaches zero, it tells you who is the last bider / winner, and tells you how much did they pay.

When your auction is over if you missed the instant message, you can right clic > touch to get the message with the winner's name and price, you can also activate SL "receive IMs as emails when i'm offline" option to store the message as email.

The board sends a message to the bider when they're outbid and refunds them,
it sends a message to the last bidder / winner when the auction countdown reaches zero and when you manually end the auction.


You can change colors of everything.
You can change textures of the main board to display your prize, it has several faces so you can overlap an alpha texture if you want, or use transparency on the 1st panel of it.
You can change texture of the "Last Bid", "Minimum Bid" and "item sold" faces.
You can unlink the root prim to use your own, just take the script from it, and drop it in something else, then link the 5 panels for display to your new root, and RESET the script, or rerez the board.
you can resize the linked parts, just make sure to resize the 2 prices and the text/comma panels to place them correctly from each other.

You can't change texture of the numbers displays.
You can't rename the linked prims.

Short Video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo3yzJVnHws

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Sold by: JanosX
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

  • 0 stars 0 Reviews

  • Permissions:
    Copy Modify Transfer User Licensed
  • Automatic redelivery
  • Land Impact: 3
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh