::J&X creationz:: Fullpack Digimon Adventure
Normal price: 12.992L
*Items Include in this full pack:
1- Agumon Digivolve Line
2- Gabumon Digivolve Line
3- Biyomon Digivolve Line
4- Tentomon Digivolve Line
5- Gomamon Digivolve Line
6- Palmon Digivolve Line
7- Patamon Digivolve Line
8- Gatomon Digivolve Line
-In some cases you will need to reset the Ao when it load first time.
-This product was made by a fan for fans to the virtual platform "Second Life" The characters of this package belong to Toei Animation & BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment.
-The bento project only works exclusively with bento animations!
Please upgrade your SL client to the latest Bento version (6.2)
Otherwise it will not display correctly!
Client download links:
If you have misplaced or removed an item in your inventory, it may be possible to request a redelivery of that item if you made the purchase through the Marketplace.
If you have purchased a Copy Enabled item, you may request to have the item redelivered through the Order itself.
1. Log into the Second Life Marketplace web site at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/
2. Click on the My Marketplace link at the top of the page and choose My Account from the drop down options.
3. Once you are on your Marketplace account home page, click Order History in the menu on the left.
4. Locate the Order and Item that you wish to have delivered, and click on the "Redeliver Item" link located directly beneath the
name of the product.