Japanese Torii (Myoujin Torii)
This is Japanese traditional & most standard type torii with real detail.
its only :)
Many commodities are in the following shops.Please enjoy japanese culture!
Beaucoup de denrées sont dans le shops.Please suivant aimez la culture du japanese!
Viel Waren sind im folgenden shops.Please, genießen Sie japanese-Kultur!
Muitos artigos estão no shops.Please seguinte desfrute cultura de japanese!
(kimono, yukata, Japanese food, adornment, house, Shinto shrine, tower, and small articles, etc.)
(kimono, yukata, nourriture japonaise, parure, maison, temple shintoïste, tour et petits articles, etc.)
(Kimono, yukata, japanisches Essen, Haus, schintoistischer Schrein, Turm und kleine Artikel, und so weiter.)
(quimono, yukata, comida japonesa, adorno, casa, santuário de Xintoísmo, torre, e artigos pequenos, etc.)
Perfect Torii
I placed this out after purchasing it and it looks better than I could have hoped for. The streamers are flexi and it's very low prim. I love it.