This Item is: Yes Modify / Yes Copy / No Transfer - Script is: No Modify / Yes Copy / No Transfer - Textures are: No Modify / Yes
Copy / No Transfer.
This Item works as a 'Menu-Driven Photo Backdrop Texture Changer' & has been tested with nearly 100 textures inside.
Make as many copies as you like; keep a backup before you start editing it (them)...
Rez the Map Board out ; resize and re-texture it to fit in your Airport ; your Pilot's Lounge ; your Situation Ready Room...
ADD and REMOVE Textures (Maps / Plates) to customize your map board. ADD Textures from 'Other Continent Map Boards' for a 'Master
Map Board'. Even ADD Your Own Custom 'Screen Capture Maps' of your favorite flying locations...
Change the Board's size, re-texture the sides and back, turn Full Bright off and on - Try wearing one in a HUD Position and edit it
for size and placement. If your flying pose has your hands foward ; try wearing it on a hand (and turn it to face you and adjust
for size) - you can ZOOM in on it, which you can not do with it in a HUD Position...
Another thought - on a 'Full Mod' airplane that is under prim limits; IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING; You could Link This Map
Board To The Airplane Cockpit Itself ; in a position suitible for viewing and zooming in on.... possibly ?
Happy Flying ?
Lost Roubodoo
Thanks to the SL AIRPORT MAP people for making their Map System and Board ; without which ; I never would have attempted putting
together my collection of map plates for public use....... Text based information was 'copied & pasted' from the SL Airport Map
websites, to provide the SL Aviator with a 'seamless' map system (Ver. 2012.01.17)... ALL map screen captures, graphics retouching,
design layout & prim creation was done by me. I purchased the script for use in my own works and modified it to suit my needs. The
Prim and Script have been specifically modified to show the proper face when worn as a HUD ; but will still require size and
position editing - wearing on your hand may require additional editing... Okay - The Disclaimer is longer than the Instructions ; I
Hope I'm safe now :} Thank You for your Patient Reading :)
- 1 Continent Overview Map
- 2 Individual Airport Maps
- 1 Double Airport Map
- Description Notecard Included Inside Product