G General

Jinx : Saluki Gacha Pose 4 FAWN

Jinx : Saluki Gacha Pose 4 FAWN

My Gacha Addiction Strikes Again!

This in a Jinx Gacha Item.

**Pose 4 Fawn Only**

**You are paying the exact price I paid for them. I am not looking to make a profit, just recoup the cost. The benefit to you? You get the EXACT color you want, where I had to buy many to get the one I wanted!**

Make sure you visit Jinx in World for more of their amazing creations!!


I am not the creator of this item and do not take any responsibility for problems you might have with it.

~ This technology is provided and supported by Linden Labs so any technical issues should be reported to them through their support ticket system.
~ Since they have stated this method eliminates delivery failures, I will not refund or replace non-delivered items that are no copy.
~ Please make sure that you are not set to "busy" or "away" when you purchase, as this can cause a delivery error.
~ Please make sure you do not have Kitty Lovenkraft muted or blocked. Since these items go straight from my inventory to yours via this new system, having me blocked will cause a delivery error. I am UNABLE to replace items lost in this manner, as they are no longer in my inventory.
~ I try to be as descriptive a possible with my listings, so make sure you read the description carefully. I will NOT refund for buyers remorse.
~ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in-world.