This product is compatible with all the mesh bodies that support BAKES ON MESH (BOM).
BOM is a great system that actually simplifies very much the way clothes are wearing in SL. If you use BOM there is no need for different appliers any more, no matter the mesh body you have. Today, probably most of mesh body creators introduced the BOM system so all you have to do is to update your mesh body (if you haven't already).
After the BOM option of your body is activated, you can simply use the SL system clothing layers the way you do for the classic system body. SL system clothing layers are: alpha, undershirt, shirt, jacket, underpants, pants, tatoo, etc. So now you can simply right-click on it and choose "Add" from the drop-down menu and the layer will appear on your body.
▶ Use the BOM ready alpha layer provided in the package
▶ Try all the sizes provided for your mesh body and see which one fits you best
This package contains:
▶ Rigged Mesh Jacket with the following sizes:
▷ 5 classic sizes (L, M, S, XS, XXS)
▷ Fitted Mesh
▷ Maitreya size
▷ Slink size
▷ TMP size
According to your shape, some areas of the body might come out of the jacket. In this case:
▶ (recommended) please use one of the BOM ready alpha layers provided (for ALL the mesh bodies that support BAKES ON MESH)
▶ use the Alpha HUD provided by the creator of your mesh body to cover those areas.
▶ Alpha Layers
>> Try each alpha and wear only the one that fits better according to your shape and your AO
If you use in your outfit other clothes or footwear that need alpha too, please right click each alpha part and "ADD" it (NOT "WEAR", NOT double-click). If you choose "WEAR", the software will load on your avatar only the last alpha selected.