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KARVED Tattoo BOHO Bouquet Sleeve (FATPACK) BOM Layers OMEGA Appliers

KARVED Tattoo BOHO Bouquet Sleeve (FATPACK) BOM Layers OMEGA Appliers


The box or folder contains Classic/Bakes on Mesh tattoo layers and Omega appliers ONLY. Nothing else shown in the advertisement is included.


This item is suitable for Classic and some Mesh Second Life avatars, including many third party body or body part makers supporting the OMEGA Applier system. The mesh body or body parts must conform to the Standard Second Life Body UV templates. If you are not sure, ask your mesh body or body part maker or search their web site online.

Quality may vary between mesh body products and the SL classic avatar. There may be texture stretching and warping across come joints or body parts. This is normal and often due to poorly rigged or aligned mesh. Some bad animations, exceeding movement limits, can also cause textures to warp. You are responsible for operating your body HUD and should have an understanding of how the tattoo and clothing layers interact with one another.


You will find Classic/Bakes On Mesh (BOM) tattoo layers in the folder. Simply ADD or WEAR. BOM compatible bodies can mix and match left and right side tattoos, wearing them together or independently. Wearing more than one layer, over the same side, will lead to undesirable results.


You will find Omega appliers in the folder. Simply ADD or WEAR the appropriate applier and Touch it to apply or follow the instructions. NOTE: Applied tattoos cannot be mixed and matched due to mesh on mesh alpha glitching. It is recommended you apply one side or the other at a time. You need to have the appropriate OMEGA Relay or Activator for your body, if it is not already compatible. OMEGA Relay or Activator not included.

Visit the following web site for all Omega Supported Meshes or search "Omega Applier" in Google.


I am not responsible for the Omega applier scripts so please make sure you search online or in-world for help about your mesh body and how to use the related appliers. You must have all the correct body versions or compatible parts prior to using these appliers, especially those controlled by OMEGA. Send me a note card as a last resort and I'll do my best to help or point you in the right direction.


If you would like a customised version of any of my Marketplace tattoos or want a totally unique tattoo of your own design, don't hesitate to contact me, in-world.

  • Realistic tones and colours
  • Multiple Appliers
  • Multiple Colours
  • Men's and Women's
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Pretty floral design very helpful
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 03, 2023 by lushlifegirl

I love the design and Toby Velvetleaf was very helpful with questions to add and customise TY x

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Intricate floral design
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 06, 2023 by Sierra Dakota

Feminine, vibrant, & so pretty!

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