KARVED Tree Of Life Spinal Chakras Tattoo Colour & Outline Pack (OMEGA, Slink, TMP Appliers & Classic Layers)
This item is suitable for Classic and Mesh Second Life Avatars including any OMEGA Applier supported mesh body products.
Pictures show the Maitreya body. Quality may vary between mesh body products and the SL classic avatar.
You will find the standard tattoo layer. Simply ADD or WEAR. This tattoo layer may need to be worn on your classic avatar body to complement any additional upper or lower body mesh product worn.
You will find the following appliers. Simply ADD or WEAR the appropriate applier and Touch it to apply or follow the instructions.
◘ KARVED ... OMEGA (Multi mesh applier. Make sure you have a compatible Omega Conversion Kit applied to your mesh item first)
◘ KARVED ... TMP (#TheMeshProject applier. Will only work on the Starter, Basic, or Deluxe body versions)
◘ KARVED ... SLINK (Use the OMEGA applier)
I am not responsible for the third party appliers so please make sure you search online or in-world for help about your mesh product and how to use the related appliers. You must have all the correct body versions or compatible parts prior to using these appliers, especially those controlled by OMEGA. Send me a note card as a last resort and I'll do my best to help or point you in the right direction.
- Realistic tones and colours
- Multiple Appliers
lovely tattoo
If you love big tattoos this one is a must have. really well done and looks perfect even from close.
L$ 199
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
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- User Licensed