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:KH: Kunoichi AO (for female NInja, Shinobi)

:KH: Kunoichi AO (for female NInja, Shinobi)
:KH: Kunoichi AO (for female NInja, Shinobi)
5 Reviews

This is Kunoichi(means female Ninja) AO with ZHAO-2

7 stands,
4 walks,
・・・and more.

31 Kinds,50 Animations.(3 size set)

There are 3 size animations in AO.
(but I can't deal with all shape size. sorry about that.)
Please change it from AO's menu.

* touch the menu → Load → Medium,Small(Child), or Tall.

Standing, Turn, and hover animations are Priority3, others are priority4.
but only "walk 1" has both priority. 3&4.(you can use it in any size)

*:KH: Kunoichi Crouch /P4 ←”P4” means Priority4.

<Shuriken HUD>
please wear and touch the Shuriken button.
you can throw Shuriken only in REZ able area.

<Ceiling poseball>
It is poseball. please rez and sit on it.

+Promotion Movie in YOUTUBE+

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  • AO
  • Shuriken HUD
  • poseball
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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  • 1 star:
Could be better, not too bad though.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted July 24, 2011 by Ikey Ilex

If you're willing to part with the 800 Linden, I'd say its worth it just to use some of the animations in your own AO, and they are mostly very well done. I haven't tried the additional features because I have my own Shuriken already, but it's nice that they are there.

All in all, I'd say it's not too bad, pretty much worth they money.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 10, 2011 by Slag Serenity

I bought this ao and was excited about using it, but one of the annimations os nuts and the avatar looks like its stuck in a pose and shakes back and forth, looks really weird and because of this I can't use it, wish I hadn't of wasted my money :(

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L$ 800

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