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(KK) BeBe Flower Sandals Deliver Box

(KK) BeBe Flower Sandals Deliver Box
(KK) BeBe Flower Sandals Deliver Box
0 Reviews

These Sandals come in 3 sets

* Rigged for Fitted BeBe Bare Feet
* Rigged for Fitted BeBe Mesh Socks
* Un-Rigged

29 Texture Faces
6 UV Maps
6 AO Maps

* Rigged means No sizing option

* Un-rigged means you can size them for other avatar such as Toddleedoo

* Rigged for Mesh Socks means. You can wear your (KK) BeBe Socks with the Rigged Sandals

Confirmed to be adjustable to TD, Tweenster and Totsipop/Moppet

Demo's are now only available on a
-As Needed Basis-

All Clothing and Shoe's are tested and checked for proper fitting for the -BeBe Fitted Body-

(KK) Stands by its creations 100% if any errors are found in the mesh they will be fixed.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues with this mesh please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be delighted to help.

If you have requests for mesh products send me a note card.

License Agreement / Terms of Use
By buying this product you are agreeing to the following terms of use:

You ARE AUTHORIZED to use the included (Items, Prims or Objects) as part of your own creations.
You ARE AUTHORIZED to download the included textures to your computer and modify them to use in your Own Creations.

You are NOT AUTHORIZED to use these (Items, Prims or Objects) outside of Second Life® or its Marketplace
You are NOT AUTHORIZED to resell or redistribute the items with Full Permissions.

The Final Product that you Sell must NEVER have both Copy/Transfer.
To sell your creations permissions must be limited to:

1) Copy only
2) Transfer only
3) Copy/Modify
4) Transfer/Modify

~ Please follow this agreement and enjoy my product ~

See item in Second Life
  • Fitted Mesh to BeBE Avatar

L$ 750

Adding to cart as gift


Get the demo version
(KK) Kiddy Kingdom
(KK) Kiddy Kingdom
Sold by: Athena0Marie

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

Works with Mesh Avatars
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0 Reviews
  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh, Fitted Mesh