Rigged mesh dress full perms.
UV map, Shadow map and alpha templates included.
5 standard sizes.
DEMO available separately. No claims allowed since a DEMO is available!!!
- The content of this product is for your exclusive use on Second Life.
*You can: -Use it to create your own clothes using your own textures/templates.
-Sell them as your creation AFTER use your own textures/templates and add a prim created by you as root prim (you will appears as the cloth's creator)
*You can NOT: -Sell, give or use for any commercial purpose this folder's contents as FULL PERMS. You can only sell/give as a gift it as Copy/Mod, Trans/Mod, Copy, or Trans, and only AFTER texturized it with your own texture/template. -Share with any alt (neither your own alt avatars)
-Use it in other grids. This product is for Second Life exclusively.
Violation of these terms will be result on a report to Linden Lab and Legal Prosecution.
KL Mesh Originals don't provide support or information about the texture or template's creations. You must to be able to create them with Photoshop, Gimp or similar using the UV and AO maps provided. DAE files aren't available in any way.
No refunds or exchanges.
No custom works.