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KLP Electric Guitar Inspired by Flying V

KLP Electric Guitar Inspired by Flying V

Are you an artist in Second Life? Do you like guitars or do you simply want to look cool? This is a guitar just for YOU! :)

This is a high detailed Electric Guitar (BASED ON REAL LIFE MODEL). It’s your really good choice if you are a guitar geek, guitar collector, live performer on Second Life, or simply you want to look cool everywhere you go around Second Life.


Included in all guitars is the possibility of changing the texture or color of your guitar with either one of the specified textures and colors or a texture of your wish. The guitar is copy/ modify so many copies can be made. Basically one guitar can have billions of other looks. NO PNG TRANSPARENCIES EVERYTHING IS ON PRIM.

The textures and the colors are controlled by commands included in the guitar. Consult the manual to know the commands. Both the Body and if pickguard is included can be changed. If that doesn’t suit you the guitar is also modify so you can do whatever you want to it if you know to work with prims.

Included in are 43 animations. Some of the guitar animations can be used together with the dances included in the hud or with other dances that are not included. Also contains extra animations for fun, or many other stuff. The HUD is also transferable so you can let others control your movements too. If you don’t want others to control you, you have the option to change listening code to the HUD and the Guitar.
If you want to use other animations there is always the ability to buy animation’s or other HUD’s around the grid to use with these guitars.

Auto positioning is set to fit the guitar with the animation you currently choose. It is designed to fit almost all the 17 animations. If it doesn’t fit you well you can always modify the main prim which is really easy job to fit your current shape.
If you don’t like the auto positioning you can always disable it through the HUD.

The guitar is all prim work, no detail excluded. NO PNG Transparencies, NO Textures that look like prim, NO ALPHA TEXTURES.

Do you love instruments? If yes do you love guitars or do you own one in real life? Why not get one in Second Life?
These guitars are friendly and very easy to use for musicians, guitar lovers, or simply just use it as a model. They come modifiable and copy so you can have many copies of it.
150+ customers satisfied everyone simply love these. If you are still not convinced here are some personal reviews from customers:
Wickman Gibbs -
“These are the Best - 3rd one I got, 1st one directly from XStreet. Not only cool looking, variety and details. These KLP Guitars make it EZ to go PRO in Second Life or just have FUN! :) with your friends & parties!”

Nukem Destiny -
“Beauiful guitar and Great animations - Thank you”

Artel Brando-
“I really love all my "KLP" guitars and I own a lot of them. Krakov Letov does customizations by request that no other guitar builder in second life does. I always wear my KLP guitars on my back in second life and I always get a lot of attention and compliments. If you look really close at any of his guitars the detail is awesome. I only use KLP guitars in my live performances exclusively because I love them and his customer service is the best in SL!!!! KLP guitars ROCK!!!”


- Highly detailed guitar. Almost based on a real life model with real life specifications. No detail excluded. NO PNG TRANSPARENCIES, NO TRICK TEXTURES.
- Fits any avatar. Male or Female.
- Auto positioning to fit the avatar and the animation, which can be enabled and disabled through the HUD system, and easily tweaked.
- Everything is controlled by a HUD that can be used either by the owner of the guitar or someone else to remote control the user.
- 17 guitar animations, 8 extra animations and 18 dances. In total 43 animations.
- 150+ combinations with dances and guitar animations and even more possibilities with other dance animations.
- Ability to modify the base prim which controls all the positions.
- 30 Textures and 25 Color swatches which can be triggered by the owner of the guitar.
- More than 500000+ combinations with colors and textures. This gives you endless possibilities on how your guitar will be customized.
- Adjusting animation to properly adjust the guitar whenever auto positioning is not used.
- 5 Particles.
- Modifiable guitar. Have more than 1 look on your guitar, design it however you wish. There are literally billions of possibilities.

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Does not fit a female avatar
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 18, 2019 by lilsubby9999

This looks good has nice animations but it simply is not for a female avatar. And you have to adjust to each position. The positions are not saved. So each time you change you have to reposition. I would not recommend for a female.

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great made :D
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 09, 2016 by Sensifeel Verino

for this cheap price you get a great made guitar with much textures and colors options and its modify so you can adjust the size ! thanks Krakov which you would build more ^^

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Great guitar!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 28, 2014 by Cameron Farella

I'm a pro SL tribute musician. I own over 100 guitars. most of them custom made. This is simply the best I've bought. Textures great! Beautifully built....but most of all it's the right size. Almost all pre-made guitars on SL are way too big. This one is perfect!

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