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+KS+ Arya Jeans Version 1.0

+KS+ Arya Jeans

Welcome to the +KS+ Arya Jeans!
These jeans come in rigged mesh sizes XXS-L.
I've also included a maitreya auto-hide scripted version of each size.
Within you will also find the belt mesh so you can wear it separately.

There are three HUDs within, all feature 20 colours. These are to colour the jeans, belt and beltstuds separately for a total of 8000 combinations! Make your own style :3

Try the demo.

For further questions or inquiries please contact Ecathi Resident.

See item in Second Life
  • XXS-L rigged mesh sizes
  • Maitreya Auto-Hide scripted versions
  • Three 20 colour HUDs for jeans, belt and studs
  • Alpha included
  • Demo available