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Kaizy's "Forgotten Cottage"

Kaizy's "Forgotten Cottage"

You get everything you see here in the Ad!

Ever go on a road trip and spot random falling down buildings or an abandoned house off in a field looking all alone and dark? They hold a kind of allure about them that seem to cry out to be seen and remembered... and have inspired this build.

Overgrown with ivy and surround by tall grass its quietly charming and mildly eerie.

The cottage on it's own is 18 prims and is 10x15 sqm.
The completed look you see in the Ad set in a 24x24 platform totals 48 prims.

All is COPY/MOD.... except for the one script inside the door.

You get a completed version to rez as well as just the cottage and just the platform along with all textures used in its creation in case you like to add on or change it up.

Prim counts:

Cottage, 18 Li
platform with lip, 3 L
tall tree, 2 Li
small tree, 1 Li each
small bush, 1 Li each
large bush, 5 Li each
Ivy, 1 Li each... no matter the design
daisys, 1 Li each
rocks, 1 Li each
yellow wild bush, 3 Li each
grass, 1 Li each patch

Plants in this build are mesh. The values may change for some of them when you are resizing.... this means it can add or reduce the amount of prims each item is worth and will affect your total prim count for your land. I have linked all of the ivy, bushes, rocks and flowers together. If you choose to unlink them it will also impact your prim count.

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love this skybox!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2016 by lightinthenight

Just picked this up today and it's great. Even though it's a smaller skybox it has everything needed to give that old abandoned house feeling. I love the wallpaper in this cottage it's old and vintage/grungy but doesn't have that filthy look to it. I wasn't sure about the size of the windows at first and how big and open they were but now I get it because the views of everything around me are great. I think one of my favorite parts is sitting outside in the tall grass. LOL

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