by Kassturm Homes & Skyboxes
Kassturm Venetian Blinds are a simple, yet effective, window treatment. They retract via touch, are fully modifiable so you can scale them exactly to the space you need covering, can be configured to limit who can operate them via touch, and even support chat channel commands so that you can control them via script.
- Ready out of the box
- Fully mod to fit your window
- Optional script controls
- Limit access on who can operate them
- 1 Prim
- Available in 22 different color choices!
Editing the Size
* Always edit the size of the blinds when they are in the drawn/down position. *
You can use SL's 'Stretch' option in the Edit menu to resize the blinds. They can be up to 10m x 10m or any size in between! You do not need to reset scripts when editing the size as the blinds adjust their retract calculations on-the-fly.
As a reference, when the blinds are first sold it's size is:
X Axis: 2.000
Y Axis: 0.010
Z Axis: 3.000
Operation Mode
Be default, anyone can operate the blinds via touch. If you would like more control over this, there are 2 other settings you can use; Owner Only or Group Only.
To change the operation mode:
1) First make sure your blinds are in the drawn/down position.
2) Edit the blinds and go to the Contents tab. In the contents you will find a notecard _Config. Double-click this to open and change 'operation_mode' from 0 to either 1 or 2. 1 for Owner Only and 2 for Group Only. Group Only means the blinds will only respond to avatars that have the same group *active* as the blinds are set to. Save the notecard.
3) Make sure you are still editing the blinds and from the top of your SL client, choose Tools -> Reset Scripts in Selection.
Script Controls
By default, your blinds are not configured to listen for script chatter for commands. This is to reduce lag for those who have no intention of using the feature.
To enable listens:
1) First make sure your blinds are in the drawn/down position.
2) Edit the blinds and go to the Contents tab. In the contents you will find a notecard _Config. Double-click this to open and change 'do_I_listen' from 0 to 1. By default, the listen channel used is -564 but you can change that to suit your scripting needs. I would recommend if changing this you keep it on a negative channel. Save the notecard.
3) Make sure you are still editing the blinds and from the top of your SL client, choose Tools -> Reset Scripts in Selection.
You should see an owner IM from the blinds that it is now listening for chat commands.
The blinds listen for the words "up" and "down" only. Self-explanatory as to their use. The blinds keep track of if they are in the retracted/up or drawn/down position and will not respond if, for instance, you send an "up" command to them when they are already up (and vice versa).
- Sturm Hellershanks
- Kassturm Homes & Skyboxes
- Ready out of the box
- Fully mod to fit your window
- Optional script controls
- Limit access on who can operate them
- Available in 22 different color choices!
all thıs detaıls and you thınk ıt would be a prım. texture only
Very NiceProduct. Should Be Copy
Nice product, works at promised. I would have given 5 stars if it were copy as I had to buy multiple pieces at 49L...kind of a pain.