KinEx - Sculpted Stars Kit
So what's in this package hm?
* This flashy pack of sculpt maps contains the following:
* 3 Different types of stars per point count
* 6 Different Point counts! (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
* 5 Effect Textures
* Full and Half size versions, so whever you need a giant or a tiny star, you're covered.
* For a Grand total of 36 Sculpt maps and 5 Textures.
Anything else i should know?
Stitching type is: Cylinder
All the other information you may be wondering about, such as getting the textures wrapped on nice and clean to each face, is all covered in the notecard inside the box.
These sculptures are NOT to be sold or transferred with full permissions.
Anyone caught selling these Sculpts without written permission from the creator (me), WILL face legal action.
They are made to be sold or transferred as permission restricted components of your products, not to be transferred with full permissions individually or as a package.
I hate to have to put a disclaimer in, but i do need to protect my work, as many hours went into this pack. I hope you enjoy it, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, please feel free to contact me In-Game or here on SLX.
See item in Second Lifenice sculpts :)