-Kit Mesh Merry Christmas Sign-
Whats in the box?
-Kit Mesh Merry Christmas Sign-
.1 Mesh Merry Christmas Sign
1 prim(land impact 3) Fullperms
*My objects (mesh) can not be given or sold with full perms. They are for use in your creations in Second Life that can be sold with partial permissions.
*If you bought them, they are for use in your creations that can only be sold with full perms. Failure to comply will result in appropriate measures DMCA and a report to Linden Lab.
*Warning: this kit contains fullperms mesh object, but does not contain UV Map.
-look my others item
-many other "kit sculpt"
- Kit Mesh Merry Christmas Sign
- 1 Prim(land impact 3)
- Fullperms
- 100% Mesh
- 120 ls