They walk, they run, they sleep, they sit, they rest, they purr, they follow, they play, they eat, they scratch...
Kittenz II is the most realistic cat in SL to date. She's only 9 (sculpted) prims, and moves and behaves like a real kitten.
Instead of a 'dead' object, which you need to command. Kittenz will run, sit, sleep and move around independently, respond to avies around, to other kittenz and to toys or objects.
So what can she all do?
- she's only 9 prims, but fully realistically sculpted and textured, with built in 'cuteness' ;)
- she moves her ears, head, tail, paws and eyes
- she mews and purrs when you pet it, and makes other sounds, depending on the situation
- she can walk and run randomly, come or follow you or any other selected avie, or go randomly to avies, give heads and purr, asking for attention
- she has realistic walking, so not the weird floating/walk most critters in SL do, but she will actually follow the ground
- she can sit, lie, sleep, rest on her side when petted
- she will play with its toys, eat from her food bowl, if filled or use her scratch pole if she's around one.
- she will be mostly autonomous, choosing her own behavior, depending on where she is, what's around her, and how tired she is
- she's fully menu controllable
- she can be centered and set to walk around in small ranges upto complete parcels
- all sounds can be disabled when inconvenient
toys and accessories sold separately:
Kittenz Toy Ball - FREE
Kittenz Scratch Pole
Kittenz Feeding Bowl
OK am I a sucker???
Seriously. I figure after reading the reviews that i did something wrong with the black cat I tried to buy here . SO I bought the Tabby cat. Did exactly what I was supposed to. Clicked the little Cat bag. got a message with instructions, heard one meow and that's it. There is NO CAT anywhere on the ground or in my inventory. The only cats I have are the two bat cats I rezzed that worked perfectly from day one and cost a fraction of the money I spent here. Kinda pissed now, just get me my dam cats!!!!!!!!!!! been waiting ALL day on the black cat ... no word back NOTHING !!!!!!!!!
The kitty is cute, well worth it I have so much fun just watching him play all over the place and the menu very easy. Love my kitty thank you very much just what i was looking for!
pas du tout réel...Cartoon cat!
After reading reviews, I bought this cat. I am terribly disappointed! He looks and moves like a cat cartoons. I regret the money spent on it!
Trouble with kitten
I have a linden house that came with my account, it gave me repeated pop ups saying I couldnt rez this item there. I took it to a sandbox and rezed, then went back to the house and placed the item on the floor and it took a moment to get a notecard and a ball, but no cat, whats going on?
i bought tabby kat.. i droped it and tried to open it..... i cannot get the Kat rezzed ... what do i do ??
My girl loves her
We call her Emma, she is loving, playful and curious. We couldnt be happier. You couldnt do better.