Welcome to KittyMel's mind, .:KittyKatnip:.! The one to shop to gather and get your smexy gamer geek dork self on! I KittyMel, strive to meet those gaming fan or costume needs with what you look for! Me being a huge fan of Pewdiepie and him being such a inspiration for me to start my own gaming channel on Youtube to play horror games and different other games with my reactions alike, I decided to make one of his characters from Amnesia: The Dark Descent come to life! The famous Piggeh! Yeeh! ;) Comes with piggy ears, sweater and pants! Comes with the optional prim bottom to go with the sweater if you like with shown in picture above, All for 99L! :) Enjoy!
What I used to complete Piggeh's look:
Hair: [-B-] Danny / +Pink+
Skin: [XYR] Boy Skin - Asian
Feet: MI Mesh Ladies Tip Toe Feet
Eyes: ~*By Snow*~ Hybrid Eyes I (Sky) with [Gauze] Smoldering Eyes - Glow (Tintable)