Kranz HoO Relander (HADS System) Version 1
Kranz HoO Relander
This is an addon script for your Hands of Omega Consoles.
Place the "Kranz HoO Relander (put in main lever/keyboard prim)" script inside the link in your console that has Flight Assist 1.3.2 and TTC Flight 10.1 in it. This link is usually the main keyboard or takeoff/land lever.
Place the "Kranz HoO Relander (link 1/root)" script inside link 1 or root prim as well as some consoles do not send the needed status message for the previous script to operate.
10 seconds after your console sends you this message:
Contact with exterior lost, Capsule initiating emergency dematerialization...
The console will automatically land at the rezzer location you have previously set as home.
Make sure to set a rezzer location as home with the console first.
This message:
Emergency alert triggered
Means someone else landed at the same rezzer you had your console landed to. This script will not reland your console in this case.
--- Magenta Cerulean
[19:51:37] Magenta Cerulean: land console home and just go delete the exterior to test :)
[19:51:55] Magenta Cerulean: works great for me :)
[19:56:38] [redacted]: ooh what does it do? I'm new to HoO
[19:57:17] Magenta Cerulean: ah ok so say you have your console landed to a destination
[19:57:26] Magenta Cerulean: and have that set as the home landing rezzer
[19:57:40] Magenta Cerulean: LL restarts that region once a week
[19:57:50] Magenta Cerulean: and the exterior dematerializes
[19:58:02] Magenta Cerulean: now you have to manually land it again :)
[19:58:19] Magenta Cerulean: well that addon script there automatically does that for you :)
[19:59:01] Magenta Cerulean: it's for people that like to keep their consoles landed all the time basically :)
[19:59:45] Magenta Cerulean: rolling region restarts mess that up once a week :)
[20:02:00] Magenta Cerulean: all it does is listen for internal script messages that say that happened .. and automatically relands your console to it's home location :)
- No more having to manually reland all your consoles after rolling restarts.
- Automatically Relands your console to the Exterior rezzer you have set to home.