Stasis Tanks can be an important part of avatar life. Depending on the tank and how you use them they can perform many critical functions.
Krell technology is the basis of these particular tanks. The inner liquid operates to negate the effects of gravity -- putting the avatar into a state of null gravity. In addition nano machines suspended in the liquid convert Brownian motion into turbulent electro-magnetic fields. These fields have a local effect akin to a wide band scrambler. However, they also will respond synergistically to the persistent frequencies emitted by the avatar. This has a feedback effect of gathering, filtering, and feeding back the avatars own programmed frequencies.
The non-liquid elements of the stasis tank are very much like a cross between a Reichian Orgone box and a Brane-Power Super Beacon. The programming interface of this device utilizes standard Matrix technology. Don't worry if you are not trained in the use of a Brane-Power Matrix -- YOUR AVATAR IS.
This particular stasis tank is set to Owner Only. If you wish to allow anyone to use your tank change the description (General Tab of Edit window) to read
"Stasis Options^anyone" -- leave the quotes out :)
If you have questions/comments you may address them to Xxaxx Constantine.
first rate build!!
amazing really I love the way it cycles on. really first rate build!