Version 01.00 (November 2021)
[LD] The Slab
Greetings and thank you for your interest in this product!
This is a… slab, originally on marble, but you can texture it as you like, that can be used to display region rules, store policies and so on.
[LD] The Slab 01.00 (a) - Sample textures.
[LD] The Slab 01.00 (b) - Sample textures except for the text layer.
[LD] The Slab 01.00 (c) - Blank sign.
• Ships with a menu controlled script for easy texturing
• Downloadable PSD to get you started with the text layer
• Low Land Impact mesh
• Copy & Mod
• Free updates
The front side of the slab has a thin layer where you can place a transparent texture with your text.
In order to customize the slab you can use the texturizer script that ships with the product. The slab is built in such a way that you need two textures to display your text: one for the body of the slab and another for the text with transparency to be applied over the text layer.
To get you started I provide a sample file which you can edit either with Photoshop©, Gimp© or Affinity Photo©:
1) Download the provided PSD file.
2) Edit it with your favorite image editor software to add your own text.
3) Save or export your image in PNG format.
4) Upload it to Second Life.
5) Right-click the uploaded texture in your inventory and select "Copy asset UUID".
6) Click the sign for the menu and select [ Text… ]
7) Paste the texture UUID and click [Submit ]
Once you are satisfied with the result you can safely remove the script inside the slab in order to reduce lag.
Prims: Modify / Copy / No Transfer
Scripts: No Modify / Copy / No Transfer
Please Note
• Please see item inworld (link below) to make sure this product is what you are looking for or contact Liliana Darwinian if you have any questions.
• Our products are tested before release, however if you think you have found a bug or are having difficulty with any of our products, please send me a notecard with detailed description of the issue. You will get a reply as soon as possible.
• Failed deliveries are a technical issue and not within the control of the seller. If your item is not delivered to you contact me directly to have the item redelivered.
• You will need a mesh-enabled viewer in order to view mesh objects and the quality of what you see highly depends on your graphics settings.
Make sure you're using the latest release of the official Second Life Viewer
or a compatible third-party viewer
Liliana Darwinian
See item in Second Life- Ships with a menu controlled script for easy texturing
- Downloadable PSD to get you started with the text layer
- Low Land Impact mesh
- Copy & Mod
- Free updates