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LDG-FULL PERM 744 Multi Gem Pendant Charm No.2 /8 parts/Version 24 textures / Nano & Regular /Builderkit

LDG-FULL PERM 744 Multi Gem Pendant Charm No.2 /8 parts/Version 24 textures / Nano & Regular /Builderkit

Version 2 textures available. LDG-743

8 meshes
1 diamond + 19 textures (colors) + 4 metal=24 textures
UV map, shadow map
1 parts 0.5 LI
Center of mesh nano parts is at the center.(for editing)
If you need smaller nano parts, you can contact with me.

Mesh faces see "sample mesh faces"
Material enabled.
Please read "about price setting" of LDG, if you still didn't read.
It's written in copyright URL, at the bottom.
If you like this product, I appreciate the good review.
If you have problem or question, suggestion, contact with me please.
Copyrights_terms and conditions
Purchasing this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the Second Life, and the legislation about copyrights related to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. (DMCA)
LDG Copyrights you can read by clicking "View Video" link under and read terms, I use that for easy link. This product is "User Licensed product", you need read the most recent terms at LDG website and agree before your purchase.
This product can not distribute as a freebie gift or hunt item, or gacha.
Not for individual parts resale or linked parts resale, for example only 3 parts linked without finish to complete your original creation, you should use as part of your "personal builds", for not resemble the original. Not you add small(or easy,or quick) change as part of my build.
Example of use: use in "full Accessory set" you are building.
Using parts of this builder kit, you should use in a build of value more than L$100.
Recommended: set as "no modify" permission (see term 4).About discount see term 15. Please respect other people's hard work.If you have question, you can ask me. Please price final product according to quality(my parts).
Copyright(C) by LDG

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Beautiful, and VERY helpful seller.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 04, 2018 by Sildenafil Torii

When I saw the original item of this (7 stone pendant) I knew it would be perfect for my application, but I needed a 4, 5 and 6 stone as well to make it work. I spoke to the seller and in just a couple days she had this work created for me (and the rest of SL). 5 stars for the mesh, 100 stars for the customer service.

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