Play an animation when attached with rest time (holding food/drink).
Automatically detects animation & pose in inventory.
Need "1 animation & 1 pose" and "1 food(or drink) object" for this script.
Main animation: eat (or drink) animation need to be "no loop".
Side pose: "hold pose" need to be "loop".
This product contain:
Script (No modify)
Configuration notecard (full perm)
How to use
Only drop 1 script, 1 configuration notecard, 1 animation and 1 pose into the object to be worn.
Can configure with modifiable notecard.
Example setting:
5 seconds eat (or drink) animation + "15 seconds rest time" = total 20 seconds.
Can set when detach of
1) One loop
2) Endless loop
Can set attach whisper & dettach whisper, or whisper nothing.
Available bento drink, eat, eat cake animation:
For this script, need choose "no loop animation for script" for "main aniamtion".
If you like this product, I appreciate the good review.
If you have problem or question, suggestion, contact with me please.
Copyrights_terms and conditions
Purchasing this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the Second Life, and the legislation about copyrights related to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. (DMCA)
This product is "User Licensed product", you need read the most recent terms at LDG website and agree before your purchase.
Not for individual script resale. You can use as part of your builds.
Please don't forget set "No copy/Transfer" or "Copy/No transfer".
Copyright(C) by LDG
If you think this product is overpriced, please look for another product.
If you need rez demo or another demos, please IM me inworld, for make sure that you agree this price. And after you can't write review, speaking this product is overpriced.
And please read "about price setting" of LDG, if you still didn't read.
It's written in copyright URL, at the bottom.
Perfect thankyou
Worked great, easy to follow instructions. I added my animation, plus this script & note-card to cookies, changed the animation name, edited the settings I wanted in the note-card and done.
It asks for two animations eating & pausing, I only had one animation that does both, so I made two copies naming each 0 & 1. The script is no edit but the NC lets you change the cycle time (total amount of seconds your animation(s) play in one loop, my animation was 20 seconds so I set for that, if you have two animations add them both up), number of repeats before the object auto-detaches (or 0 for continuous looping till manually detached) and any chat settings to go with it or remove them if you don't want chat. Don't forget to change permissions before gifting.
Be advised when detaching it might require resetting some AO's and any Dancing animations your playing simultaneously.
Wonderful Product & Customer Service
I had a slight issue filling out the config card. They responded so quickly, and showed me what to do. The script works perfectly. I would totally recommend this product!