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LEIGH - Winter Rose and Lily Bouquet PROMO GIFT

LEIGH - Winter Rose and Lily Bouquet PROMO GIFT
LEIGH - Winter Rose and Lily Bouquet PROMO GIFT
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*** This item is available for 10L in the Winter Glam Hunt at the LEIGH store, December 5-January 15 ***

This is a beautiful mesh floral bouquet with realistic roses and lilies, arranged with fern leaves and tied together with a ribbon. It is the perfect accessory for a special occasion, photo prop, or even rezzed on a table or in a vase!

The bouquet comes with an HUD to change the rose color from red or blue and the bow ribbon from red or white. Two bouquets are included: one animated to hold in the right hand and the other unanimated.

Two additional smaller groupings of lilies are also included in solid red; one animated and the other not.

The HUD for the bouquet also includes the following setting:

- Glow Buttons -

+: Increases glow by 1% intervals
- : Decreases glow by 1% intervals
OFF: Turns off any glow setting to return to normal

Be classy, sophisticated and stylish wearing this floral bouquet by - LEIGH - Please enjoy your gift!

  • Beautiful floral arrangement animated to hold in right hand
  • 100% mesh design
  • HUD with 2 rose colors & 2 ribbon colors
  • Materials enabled, glow settings
  • Additional lilies to hold in right hand; also unrigged versions of all flowers

L$ 20

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Sold by: ChrystaLeigh

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This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh