ROLL UP! ROLL UP!.....Welcome to the circus...come on over and grab yourself a set of cages!
OK so that's not quite how it goes, but you can grab a whole set of cages and a couple of carnival signs should the fancy take you!
There are three individual cages to choose from, or you can grab the full set in one package. This is the full set CIRCUS CAGES....
100% Mesh
39 Li altogether
3 x circus cages at 11 Li each
CARNIVAL bulb sign 5 Li
Arrow bulb sign 1 Li
Beautifully and ornately decorated.
Please note, the cages are not animated. They are static decoration to add to your home or sim.
Come check these and so much more out at our new full sim store at LOVE™
if you have any questions or problems, drop an IM or notecard inworld and we will do our best to help. Thank you
Krystali Rabeni
LOVE™ Your Second Life
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