Rustic Tavern
Structure of a plant with a gable roof, and an area of 20x20 meters.
Fully equipped:
- 4 Tables
- 16 cushions with animation for men and women.
- Full kitchen with oven and fire. (On / Off)
- 7 Shelves
- Fireplace with fire. (On / Off)
- 4 Lights with fire. (On / Off)
- Carpets, bowls, bags, and many barrels.
Everything is included in only 81 prims, textured with light and shadows
Taberna Rustica
Estructura de una planta con techo a dos aguas, y una superficie de 20x20 metros.
Completamente equipada :
- 4 Mesas
- 16 Cojines con animación para hombre y mujer.
- Cocina completa con horno y fuego. ( encendido/Apagado)
- 7 Estanterías
- Chimenea con fuego. ( encendido/Apagado)
- 4 Lamparas con fuego . ( encendido/Apagado)
- Alfombras, Cuencos, Sacos, y muchos barriles.
Todo incluido en tan solo 81 prims, texturizada con luces y sombras
See item in Second Life- Fully equipped
- Structure 20X20
- 16 cushions with animation for men and women.
- Fireplace and lights with fire. (On/Off)
- 81 prims, textured with light and shadows.