G General

LSR - Baby Scale V3

LSR - Baby Scale V3

Bascula para bebés , ideal para clinicas de maternidad ó para uso particular .
Incluye animacion y solo tiene 3 prims.

It scales for babies, ideal for maternity clinics or private use.
It includes animation and only has 3 prims.

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Non functional
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 26, 2019 by manicjenn Runner

doesn't actually do anything for 125 L don't waste money don't recommend

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It works well within description
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 16, 2016 by cherry Loudwater

Affordable and animation is great. Thank you. =)

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Terrible :(
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 02, 2012 by Casidy Silvercloud

It's small, doesn't look right and doesn't actually do anything at all. I expected at least something for this price. If it's not functional it shouldn't cost $125L. Don't waste your money!

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