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-Labyrinth- Cernunnos Skin (Sunkissed) - The Chops

-Labyrinth- Cernunnos Skin (Sunkissed) - The Chops
-Labyrinth- Cernunnos Skin (Sunkissed) - The Chops
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- C E R N U N N O S -

Cernunnos is a Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. He was worshipped all over Gaul, and his cult spread into Britain as well. Cernunnos is depicted with the antlers of a stag, sometimes carries a purse filled with coin. The Horned God is born at the winter solstice, marries the goddess at Beltane, and dies at the summer solstice. He alternates with the goddess of the moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth and reincarnation.

TP to the store to checkout the gorgeous forest that is his home. In this SL incarnation he comes with a striking masculine body, a face fitting his wilderness divinity, sculpted graceful cheekbones, heartbreaker's lips and eyes that shine as far as the Sun's raise.

(Individual skins sold for 1200l in the inworld store)
6 Skin Tones (try demos)
Bald & Hairbase
3 Types of Bodyhair (none, trail, full hair)
18 Different Face Styles

- L A B Y R I N T H -

Experience refined and realistic skins and shapes that possess exquisitely crafted 360-degree body detail.

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Please try a demo first. Stay tuned ! Join our group 'Labyrinth - The Update Group' for updates!

To avoid scams when buying Labyrinth products purchase ONLY from the creator, Labyrinthstarchild Resident.

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With purchasing this product you agree to the following:

These products is / are for your own personal use and content creation in Second Life ONLY. You are not allowed to use, distribute or sell this / these images/products out of Second Life.

See item in Second Life
  • 3 Styles of Bodyhair
  • Bald and Hair
  • Highly Realistic

L$ 1,200

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-Labyrinth- Skins
Sold by: LabyrinthStarchild

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