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[Lambda Corp.] Tree Decoration v1 Version 1

[Lambda Corp.] Tree Decoration v1

L A M B D A | Λ | C O R P O R A T I O N;


The Tree Decoration v1

With the option of either Copper or Silver veins running up this sleek and decorative bronze tree statue, it's a wonder why you don't have it accenting your favorite room or anywhere, really. Also, it comes in plain bronze.

This item is great for RP environments and your home! Adding a fancy bronze statue wherever you may enjoy it.



• 2 Types of decorative trees (one is mirrored for symmetry)
• 3 Different textures

  • Custom, 100% Mesh & Mirrored Versions included
  • 3 Custom Textures (Bronze Plain, Bronze & Silver, Bronze & Copper)
  • Materials Enabled
  • Fully Editable