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Laminak - Zafu Cushion & Texture Hud

Laminak - Zafu Cushion & Texture Hud

Laminak - Zafu Cushion & Texture Hud

Meditation cushion comes with 70 animations including, meditation, tai chi & yoga, male and female sits and couple cuddles.
This also comes with a texture hud offering 9 main texture options, and 9 top and strap texture options via a changer hud, as seen in the second image.

Other items for this range are available, please see other listings for details.

2Li at the size provided.

Original Mesh - Materials Enabled

You are most welcome to come and view this in-world before purchasing. Click on the in-world store tab here on Marketplace.

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Safe Paths and Hugs

  • 100% original mesh
  • unique textures